Crystals- How to Choose and Use them.

colour therapy energy healing Dec 15, 2022
How to Use Crystals Jodi Pringle

Crystals - How to Choose and Use Them.

Crystals are an amazing Energy Healing tool, like all tools you need to find the right one for your needs and to care for it and use it appropriately for the best results.

Crystals often find you, they can jump out at you saying Pick me!

Whether intentionally looking for a particular crystal or coming across one unexpectedly the process to choose the right crystal for you is the same. The crystal you need will stand out from the crowd, by way of shape, colour, vibration or a sense of knowing. You will be drawn to it in some way, let your intuition guide you, the crystal you need will “feel” just right. 

Each type of crystal has specific properties and can be used for physical, emotional and spiritual healing and energy. There are many books and google searches available for information on the attributes of each particular crystal. For example Amethyst for Anxiety, Haematite for blood conditions, Lapis Lazuli for clarity and intuition. When using Crystals its purpose is always to increase your vibrational frequency to improve wellbeing.

When you purchase or receive a crystal it needs to be cleansed as soon as possible and before use as crystals can store both positive and negative energies. For more information on how to Cleanse your Crystals go to the post Crystals- What they can do for you.

Crystals come in various forms

Crystals have added benefits when used appropriately. Some examples of the uses of crystal configurations are:

  • Single Terminators are used to direct and focus energy.
  • Clusters can be used to charge smaller crystals.
  • Polished stones are used for healing and chakra work.
  • Crystal wands are to repair the Energy Field (Aura)
  • Pendulums to receive answers.

For a full list of various Crystal types and their uses, click below to recieve the FREE PDF - How to Use Crystals.


Start using your crystals now, experiment with them, put them on show and enjoy the boost in vibrational frequency for you, your family and your environment.


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