Discover the Akashic Records: A Gateway to Infinite Wisdom

intuition Sep 23, 2024
Discover the Akashic Records - Jodi Pringle

Discover the Akashic Records: A Gateway to Infinite Wisdom

The Akashic Records are often described as a vast, ethereal library or database that holds the records of every soul's journey throughout all of time.These records are a collection of all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions and intent ever to have occurred in the past, present, or future.Connecting with the Akashic Records offers an opportunity for profound insight into the patterns that shape your life, your relationships, and your spiritual path.

What Are the Akashic Records?

The term "Akashic" is derived from the Sanskrit word Akasha, meaning "ether" or "sky." In metaphysical terms, Akasha represents the universal energy or life force that connects everything. The records, therefore, are like an energetic imprint of everything that has ever happened, thought, or been felt in the universe. Every soul, every decision, and every possible outcome is stored in this vast field of wisdom.

How Can Accessing the Akashic Records Help You?

The Akashic Records are a tool for creative, loving and powerful healing allowing you unlimited potential for change. Working in the Akashic Records gives you an understanding of how and why things happen in your life and the opportunity to change, heal and empower yourself to create your unique life. Here’s how accessing the records can support your journey of Aligning, Defining, and Clearing your energy and emotions:

  • Gain Clarity & Direction (Align): Accessing the records allows you to align with your highest purpose. By understanding the root causes of challenges or recurring patterns in your life, you can gain deep clarity on why certain things have happened and what path is most aligned with your soul's purpose. Whether you're struggling with self-doubt, anxiety, or feeling off-balance, the records offer insights that can bring harmony and peace.
  • Identify Blockages & Set Boundaries (Define): Often, challenges in life stem from uneven energy exchanges or unclear boundaries. By diving into the Akashic Records, you can uncover energetic blockages, past life influences, and limiting beliefs that may be draining your energy. This awareness helps you take control and set boundaries, allowing you to confidently express yourself and live with courage and balance.
  • Release Old Patterns & Heal (Clear): The Akashic Records are a powerful tool for emotional and spiritual healing. As you explore past experiences and karmic ties, you can release what no longer serves you—be it old fears, judgments, or outdated belief systems. This process brings clarity and allows your energy to flow freely, fostering a renewed sense of confidence and ease in your life. 

How Are the Akashic Records Accessed?

Accessing the Akashic Records requires entering a deep meditative state, guided by an intention or a prayer. To access or open the records you transition from a state of ordinary human consciousness to the state of divine universal consciousness where you are one with all and can receive the vibrations of the records. Everyone has the ability to access the Akashic records, it requires practice but is not difficult and can be achieved by using these simple principles:

  • Be relaxed and open to receive
  • Use breathwork to calm and centre
  • Be at peace and work from the heart (not the head)
  • Set your intentions, ask for guidance
  • Meditate to achieve a state of divine universal consciousness
  • Look, Listen, Feel

To access the Akashic Records

Sit in a comfortable position, take two deep breaths, focus on your heart chakra.

Say-  “I (full name) ask to enter the Akashic Records, seeking guidance, direction and knowledge. I ask Archangel Metatron to assist me in navigating the records with clarity and focus.  – Say three times

Say-  “The records are now open” – say once

Working in the Akashic Records

Ask questions that start with What, Why, How for the clearest answers

Don’t ask questions that start with When, as this is time related and the Akashic Records are infinite so you won’t get a timeframe answer.

Don’t ask Yes or No answers, as you have free will the choice is always yours, you are seeking guidance not a decision. You can ask questions to help you get clarity around the decision you need to make.

When working in the Akashic Records the answers to your questions will always be loving and supportive, if the answers are judgements, put downs or feel negative this is your Ego talking and you are not working in the Akashic Records.

Remember you have free will and it is always your choice, what you choose to do or not do with the information received from working in the Akashic Records is up to you.

To close the Akashic Records

Say- “I would like to thank Archangel Metatron for your assistance and understanding. I would like to thank and close the Akashic Records. The records are now closed”- Say once

Note: Have a pen and paper/journal with you to write down information received during and/or after your work in the Akashic Records.

Align with Your True Path

The Akashic Records are a powerful tool for personal transformation, guiding you toward emotional well-being, spiritual growth, and energetic alignment. By tapping into this infinite field of wisdom, you can align with your soul’s highest purpose, define your path with confidence, and clear old patterns, making way for a life filled with flow, peace, and clarity.

For those new to this practice, it can be beneficial to work with a trained healer or psychic, like Jodi Pringle, who is skilled in connecting with these sacred records. During a reading, you can ask specific questions related to relationships, career, health, or spiritual growth to receive insights and guidance tailored to your current path. For information and to Book a reading CLICK HERE

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