Heart Chakra Emotional Healing

chakras energy healing Jul 18, 2023
Heart chakra emotional healing Jodi Pringle

Heart Chakra Emotional Healing

The Heart Chakra also known as Anahata is located at the centre of the chest, it is the colour green and has a vibrational frequency of 594Hz. The Heart Chakra is shaped like a cone and its energy spins like a vortex, the spiraling energy centre interacts with and allows energy and emotion to flow between the Energy Field and the physical body. The function of the chakra is to allow new energy and emotion to enter the body and to release old unwanted energy and emotion from the body. Each of the seven major chakras is associated with a challenge, a virtue and particular emotions. 

Heart Chakra challenge

The Heart Chakra challenge is grief, the emotional response to the loss of someone or something that holds significant meaning in life. When the Heart Chakra becomes stagnant, blocked or unbalanced the low vibration emotions of the Heart Chakra can be experienced - feeling unloved, victim mentality, repression of love, criticalness, possessiveness, fear of rejection or being hurt, demanding, need constant reassurance, moody.

Heart Chakra virtue

The Heart Chakra virtue is love, to love and be loved. When the Heart Chakra is balanced, energized and cleansed the high vibration emotions of the Heart Chakra can be experienced - unconditional love, compassion, empathy, giving and receiving love, balance, forgiveness; understanding, acceptance, peace, openness, harmony, contentment, self-love, desire to nurture, in touch with emotions, sharing, devotion, commitment, self-trust, healing.

Rebalance the Heart Chakra

To restore and rebalance a healthy energy flow through the chakra it needs to be opened and activated, the desire is to increase and boost the vibrational frequency energy and to shift and release stagnant old energy and emotions. Energy healing techniques can be used to open and activate chakras, activities which focus on increasing the high vibration emotions and decreasing the low vibration emotions also work well.

Heart Chakra Healing Activity

Ho'oponopono is a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. It involves repeating a set of phrases or mantras to restore balance and harmony within oneself and in relationships with others. To practice Ho'oponopono, focus on the issue you would like to forgive and release, then repeat the words about 7 or 8 times.

I’m Sorry,

Please Forgive Me,

Thank you,

I Love You.

Challenge and the virtue of the Heart Chakra

At different times you will experience the challenge and the virtue of the Heart Chakra, this is part of life. Know that you have the ability to shift energy and choose the emotions you desire. Focus on increasing the high vibration emotions you want and releasing the low vibration emotion you do not want. Lots of Love

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