What is Energy Healing?
Feb 19, 2023What is Energy Healing?
From Einstein’s famous equation E=mc2 we know that all matter is energy and all energy vibrates at a certain frequency. Everything with an atomic structure vibrates at a specific frequency as a result of the electrons and protons of atoms constantly moving. The healthy human body has a vibrational frequency between 62 and 68 (megahertz) MHz. Ours cells start to deteriorate below 62MHz, when we have a cold or flu our frequency is 58MHz, it is 42MHz when someone has cancer and slows to 20MHz when approaching death.
Energy Healing is the holistic use of vibrational energy to heal, balance and harmonise the body on all levels, body, mind and soul. When two frequencies are brought into close proximity the object that has a weaker frequency automatically aligns with the stronger frequency. Energy Healing is the use of one or more modalities to increase and balance a person’s vibrational frequency to restore health, harmony and happiness.
Energy Healing Modalities
There are many types of meditation and its health benefits are well documented. It is used to calm and slow the body and mind to increase awareness and improve health and wellbeing. Meditation raises a person’s vibrational frequency by 15MHz.
Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to develop a positive mental attitude to overcome negative thoughts and patterns. Negative thoughts lower a person’s vibrational frequency by 12MHz, positive thoughts increase vibration by 10MHz.
Crystal Healing
Crystals have a stable atomic structure, which keeps them perfectly in tune. There are many types of crystals and they all have specific healing benefits, no matter what the crystal is used for its desired effect is always an increase in your vibrational frequency. Crystals also have the ability to amplify energy that is transmitted through them, so are often used in Reiki and to balance chakras and auras. Quartz crystal has a vibrational frequency of 32,768Hz.
Sound Healing
Sound healing dates back thousands of years, using tonal frequencies to move and unblock energy and bring the body into a state of vibrational balance and harmony. Sound healing is soothing, calming and relaxing. The Ohm is the primordial earth tone and the Ohm tuning fork has a vibrational frequency of 136Hz.
Colour Therapy
If a frequency is vibrating fast enough, it’s emitted as a Sound and if it is vibrating much faster, it is emitted as a colour of Light. Colour is visible light energy made up of many wavelengths and frequencies. It falls between Infrared and ultraviolet on the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The energy relating to each of the seven spectrum colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet, resonates with the energy of each of the seven main chakra centres of the body. The energy of colour affects us on all levels. Colour vibrational frequencies vary from Violet 790 terahertz (THz), Blue 670 THz, Green 580 THz and Red 480 THz.
Essential oils are the volatile substance that a plant owes its odour or flavour too, it is often referred to as the soul or hormones of the plant. Studies have found essential oils with a megahertz (MHz) frequency under 78MHz balance the physical body while those with higher MHz work on the emotional and spiritual bodies. Basil – 52 MHz, Peppermint 78MHz, Sandalwood 96MHz, Lavender 118MHz, Rose 320MHz.
Breathwork is any type of breathing exercise or technique that involves breathing in a conscious and systematic way, where you intentionally change your breathing pattern. Breathwork benefits include mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing. There are many forms of breathwork, all raise the human vibrational frequency.
Bach Flowers
Bach flowers treat emotional and mental imbalances in our energy fields, if a physical symptom has developed by treating the energy imbalance the physical symptom will improve. Each of the 38 flower remedies has a vibrational frequency that matches the frequency within the human energy field, the aura and chakras. Disease and imbalance begin in our vibrational or energetic bodies long before they manifest in our physical bodies.
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food – Hippocrates. You are what you eat (and drink). We have all heard these quotes but have we ever thought about how they affect the vibrational frequency of our bodies. A study involved two males, each measuring at 66 MHz the first male picked up a cup of coffee without drinking it, and within 3 seconds, his frequency had dropped to 58 MHz He then then inhaled the aroma from an essential oil and within 21 seconds his frequency had gone back up to 66 MHz the second individual picked up the coffee and sipped it. His frequency dropped to 52 MHz in 3 seconds. However, in this case he didn’t use any essential oils and it took 3 days for his frequency to return to 66 MHz. The vibrational frequencies of foods include -Fresh foods 15MHz, Processed/can foods 0MHz, Dry herbs 12-22MHz, Fresh herbs20-27MHz.
The earth vibrates at a natural frequency of 7.83Hz. Its electromagnetic field surrounds and protects all living things. When in nature the human body more easily tunes into the Earth’s vibrational frequency and it can restore, revitalize, and heal itself more effectively. The human brain’s average alpha frequency is 7.83Hz.
Raise your Vibration
There are many simple ways to raise your vibrational frequency on a daily basis. Listen to music, add fresh herbs to meals, wear crystal jewellery, choose specific colours for clothing and décor, use aromatherapy oils and do things that bring you joy and happiness.
Do something today to raise your vibrational frequency.
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