What is your Spirit Animal?

intuition Mar 21, 2023
What is your Spirit Animal? Jodi Pringle

What is Your Spirit Animal?

Your spirit animal chooses you and can be any animal from the land or water, be open to assistance from all creatures, birds, mammals, reptiles and insects. You can have one or more spirit animals in your life, they may come and go depending on the support, learning and guidance you need at various stages of your life.

Lifetime Spirit Animal

Your lifetime spirit animal is with you from birth to death in this lifetime. Your lifetime spirit animal is here to assist you with learning the lessons and experiences of your soul contract and to guide you to fulfill your life purpose. You will have the same characteristics, strengths and behaviors as your lifetime spirit animal as these are needed in your journey for this life. If you have forgotten or are not using these strengths your lifetime spirit animal will help you to bring these forth into your life.


Journey Spirit Animal

A journey spirit animal is with you for a timeframe, the length of time can vary from days to weeks, months or sometimes years. They are here to help you learn a particular lesson; their presence can be quite persistent as they urge you to learn the lesson needed. Their strengths, characteristics and behaviors are what you need to use to move forward on your life journey. 

Messenger Spirit Animal

A messenger spirit animal is there to give you a message in that particular moment. They can show up in unexpected places and tend to stand out. Be aware of your thoughts and actions at the time, as this is what their message will relate to. The messenger spirit animal may continue to show up for a couple days or a week to remind you of or to reinforce the message they have for you.

 Shadow Spirit Animal

Your shadow spirit animal is the animal you are afraid of. The shadow spirit animal represents your fears, which are also your potential strengths. This may be with you for months, years or a lifetime, and has the strengths and characteristics you need to conquer your fears. Once you have learnt the lesson needed to conquer your fears your shadow spirit animal will become a journey spirit animal and assist you to continue moving forward in your life journey.

Discover Your Spirit Animal

To discover the strengths and characteristics of your Spirit animal google the name of the animal then spiritual meaning, for example- Elephant spiritual meaning. The best book I have found is Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. Get to know and work with your Spirit animal.



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